Liquor Group signs one of Poland's Most Popular

Extra Zytnia has small additions of aromatic fruits and a hint of apple spirits. Extra Zytnia is clear with a slightly golden tinge. Steve Dodge,
the Manager of Liquor Group Michigan, had this to say about Extra Zytnia, “This is a vodka enthusiast’s vodka. This simple vodka, with wonderful hidden complexities, is a treat for the palate.”
Be sure and visit Extra Zytnia’s website, which is loaded with recipes, screen savers, bar cards and even a Polish version you can click on to. Visit for any information about Extra Zytnia Vodka or the many other brands Liquor Group represents, or call 1-866-REACH-LG (1-866-732-2454) to find a sales representative or where you can find Extra Zytnia Vodka near you.
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