Liquor Group, a specialty liquor distributor, signs Vikingfjord Vodka, John Barr Scotch and Linie Aquavit to it’s portfolio of great products.
Vikingfjord Vodka is made from the water of a 5,000 year old glacier in Norway’s cold mountain region. The water is very pure and has a very low mineral content. Vikingfjord is a 6 column distilled Norwegian Potato Vodka with more than 10
0 years of experience in every bottle. Vikingfjord Vodka is unsurpassed in quality and purity by any vodka on the market today.
Linie Aquavit is a white distilled potato spirit flavored with caraway and herbs. This uniquely Norwegian spirit, that since 1805 is stowed on ships for 4 1/2 months in oak barrels were the length of the voyage, the rolling of the ship, varying temperatures and sea air create a smooth, unparalleled taste.
John Barr Blended Scotch Whiskey in 1977 Johnny Walker Red Label was withdrawn from sales in the U.K. domestic market. John Barr Gold Label was introduced to fill in the gap. Using the same craftsmanship, quality, and attention to detail, John Barr whiskies are a blend of scotches comparable in taste to the leading brands. John Barr is priced well below the better known scotch brands. John B
arr is available in 3 signature labels, Red Label, Gold Label, and Black Label.
John Barr Gold Label is rich, luscious and creamy, with a smooth and mellow blend of Speyside whiskies with a spicy richness, and a soft elegance.
John Barr Black Label is seductive and inviting with soft lingering nuances and undertones. Incredibly well balanced that is a long, unfolding gift to the palate, with a velvety finish.
“I would have to use words like phenomenal, and quality to describe Viking Fjord, Linie, and John Barr” says Steve Dodge, Manager of Liquor Group Michigan, “…We, Liquor Group, are proud to bring you these top-notch brands from Capstone International.”
Visit the Viking Fjord website at www.vikingfjord.com for drink recipes. Go to www.linie-aquativ.com to learn more about Linie Aquavit, and also the John Barr website at www.johnbarrscotches.com for the label that fits your style. For more information about Viking Fjord, John Barr, Linie and other brands offered by Liquor Group, or to find the sales representative in your area visit www.LiquorGroup.com or call 1-866-Reach-LG (1-866-732-2454).